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Saturday Screening #1

  • AAHSFF 234 West 42nd Street New York, NY, 10036 United States (map)

Theater 14

  1. “Sugar & Spice” - St. Margarets Episcopal School Team B - 2021 Winter FI Winner

  2. Our Gospel - Riyan Makenna Barnett, Quincy Ahmaad Bowie - 2022 Category: Representation through Storytelling - Presented by Storyblocks

  3. Between The Lines - Dashiell Raimi, Jake Wayne - Drama

  4. Lens - Reid Blaise Griesbach - Experimental

  5. Barry the Invader - Abdel Abou Shousha, Micah Bernstein, Jax Feinstein - Horror/Sci-Fi/Fantasy

  6. I'll Get You Home - Arianna Reboni - Middle School

  7. Transience - Marissa Michel - Experimental, 2022 Category: Representation through Storytelling - Presented by Storyblocks

  8. Cult of Domesticity - Jensen Green - Micro Movie

  9. Slip N' Slide in Public - Junho Lim - Vlog Life

  10. Reversed Robbery - Bailey Nye - Micro Movie

  11. blush* - Colin Dowse - Music Video

  12. Seventeen - Amira Kopeyeva - Experimental

  13. Animals - Lily Sierra Patterson - Drama

Later Event: October 22
Saturday Screening #13