2020 Welcome Page.png

2020 Festival Schedule

The 2020 AAHSFF will be hosted online via Eventive Virtual Festival, a platform that allows us to provide a premium on-demand and live stream experience for all attendees.

We’ll offer the same interactive experience you’ve come to expect, with equal parts entertainment and education as well as new offerings like several FREE events, audience voting for the Best of Fest screenings,  and a comprehensive networking experience so that everyone can connect and share their love for all things film!

We look forward to welcoming all of you to our temporary 2020 virtual festival experience and appreciate your continued support!

Thursday October 1st

Select festival events go live beginning October 1st, and ALL content from the 2020 AAHSFF will remain live until January 1st, 2021.

Events that go live on October 1st include:

Friday October 2nd

“Why Does the Hero’s Journey Work?” Workshop | 8PM - 9PM EST

Saturday October 3rd

Oscar Winner Caroline Waterlow 1-1 Panels with Industry Pros | 8PM - 9PM EST

Monday October 5th

“Virtual Production: Navigating the New Normal” Panel | 8PM - 9PM EST

Tuesday October 6th

"Below the Line - Dream Career as an Assistant Director" Workshop | 8PM - 9PM EST

Wednesday October 7th

“Cinematic Representation and the Power of Film” Workshop | 8PM - 9PM EST

Thursday October 8th

“Art of Animation” Panel | 8PM - 9PM EST

Friday October 9th

Opening Night Kick-Off Event | 7:30PM EST - 9:00PM EST

Best of Fest Vol. 1 | 9:00PM EST - 11:00PM EST

Saturday October 10th

Official Selection & "Show Don't Tell/Music Video Challenge" Film Invitational Screenings | 10:00AM EST - 6:30PM EST

Best of Fest Vol. 2 | 7:00PM EST - 9:00PM EST

Best of Fest Vol. 3 | 9:00PM EST - 11:00PM EST

Sunday October 11th

Official Selection & "Claustrophobic Creativity/Complete Experience" Film Invitational Screenings | 10:00AM EST - 6:30PM EST

2020 Teen Indie Awards | 8:00PM EST - 11:00PM EST